Concert Choir

Concert Choir
March concert

Friday, January 11, 2013

Winter Quarter 2013!

And we're off...

Here is the syllabus for Winter quarter, with dress rehearsal and concert dates.

Course Objectives:

Students will learn and apply the following skills:

Sight Reading                                     Professional rehearsal demeanor

Performance skills                   Musicianship

Vocal technique



·         Choir members may be asked to provide a blank CD for practice materials

·         Students will be assigned a number for all choir music

·         Students will fill out the music check-out form

o   You will be required to replace or pay for any music that is not returned in good condition plus a $10 processing fee.



  • Attendance at all rehearsals is mandatory
    • If you are unable to sing due to illness that is not highly contagious, come to the rehearsal, sit in the back, and listen and take notes
  • Grading is based on attendance and participation.
    • Absences beyond 3 emergency/illness absences will result in a 5% grade deduction, and students with more than 7 absences will not be allowed to sing in concerts.
      • I expect to be contacted via email in advance for any absence.
    • Tardiness or early departure will be considered ½ an absence
    • Concerts are equivalent to exams:
      • Missed concerts will lower grade by two i.e. 4.0 to 2.0 (A to C).
      • Missed concerts will only be excused for extenuating circumstance.


Calendar – Required Events (Schedule work off now!)

    • Fall kick-off Jauary 11 (Fri.) 12:00-2:00 (extended class time) – pot-luck

    • Dress rehearsal – March 6th,  6:00-9:00 pm
    • Concerts–March 8th & 9th Call time 6:00 on stage
Concerts 7:30 @ Pierce College PUY, AAH building theater.