Concert Choir

Concert Choir
March concert

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Spring Quarter 2010

We had an incredible quarter ending with an awesome concert on March 11th. For winter quarter our theme was "Requiem for Winter." and was full of lots of great music.
Spring is here and we've had a little turn over, but the choir is going to be great again! Our new theme is "Of Life and Music," which is pretty broad, but the music will certainly be more cheery than it was last quarter.
Some of the music we'll be singing:

Salmo 150
A Maiden is in a Ring
The Waking
Past Life Melodies

Its not too late to join us. Rehearsals are Mon-Fri from 12:00-12:50, contact Dr. Owen for details (253)864-3202

Chamber Choir rehearsals are Wednesday March 30th, and we'll see how big the group is this quarter. A lot of the decisions on chamber choir's music are still up in the air.

Spring Quarter concert is June 3rd.